Optimized collaborative recruiting

Win top talents thanks to collaborative recruiting

The traditional recruiting process is often time-consuming and inefficient. Collaboration between line managers, HR and team members is tedious, which leads to a slow selection of the best candidates. As a result, you not only have unfilled vacancies for longer, but you also lose out on top candidates.

Every company is different and has different needs and processes. Does HR carry out the pre-selection and only the shortlist with the most qualified applications is released to the managers involved? Or is the entire recruitment process handed over to the line managers and HR is not actively involved at all? Up to you! With Refline, the recruitment process can be customised precisely to the needs of the company.

Delays in communication and decision making often lead to top talent being placed elsewhere. A timely selection process is therefore crucial and also strengthens your employer branding.

Benefit from an efficient, transparent and team-orientated recruiting experience thanks to Refline's applicant tracking system (ATS).

Successful cooperation between HR and line managers

Clear allocation of roles through a customised role concept

Based on our many years of experience, we have developed an extremely proven role and authorisation concept. This fulfils the various requirements for workflows and internal recruiting processes.

Should line managers only see the very best dossiers and make their judgement on them? Or is HR left out once the ad has been published and the manager recruits autonomously, without HR? Refline has the right solution for every process.

  • More clarity and transparency thanks to flexible authorisation roles, suitable for different recruitment needs and processes.

  • Selecting the best candidates together through simple and efficient cooperation between decision-makers - thanks to the precise involvement of managers.

  • Every person involved in recruitment sees exactly as much as they should, thanks to clear roles and rights.

Goodbye inefficiency: transparent collaboration thanks to a centralised platform

You know the problem: it's tedious to forward a dossier to your superiors and then collect the feedback again. Who has the dossier? Which candidate has already received feedback? These and other questions will soon be a thing of the past. Thanks to Refline, everything is in one place and the status of applications is clear at all times.

  • Everything in one place: thanks to the centralised platform, application documents, notes and feedback can be managed in one place for everyone involved.

  • Location-independent access: the availability of application documents enables line managers to access relevant information at any time and from any location.

  • Efficiency gains: Everyone involved has a clear overview of the status of applications at all times, from new applications to interviews and the feedback process.

Fast response time and accelerated recruiting process through real-time communication

Delays in internal communication and decision-making often lead to top talent deciding to go elsewhere. A timely and candidate-centred selection process and a fast "time to hire" is therefore crucial. Refline promotes seamless collaboration and accelerates the recruitment process.

  • Quick coordination and decisions are ensured through real-time communication between team members and superiors.

  • Automatic notifications: Involved persons are automatically informed about new applications or pending issues to enable an immediate response.

  • HR has a perfect overview and can take corrective action if the recruitment process comes to a standstill. This saves you valuable time and reduces the likelihood of qualified applicants dropping out.

Effective collaboration through collaborative decision-making

The assessment of candidates can be inconsistent if team members and line managers do not work together effectively. This can lead to poor decisions and sub-optimal hiring choices. Refline ATS enables the people involved to easily exchange feedback and make a joint assessment. For effective and smooth collaboration!

  • Optimal basis for decision-making: superiors are able to make well-founded decisions more quickly thanks to centralised access to all application data.

  • A precise, comprehensible evaluation and standardised assessment are ensured thanks to clear evaluation criteria.

  • Avoid misunderstandings and ensure clear communication through centralised documentation of feedback, assessments and decisions.

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Highlights of collaborative recruiting with Refline

Attracting the best talent through a timely and effective selection process? With a clear allocation of roles, a centralised platform and real-time communication, this is possible. Experience a new level of efficiency.

  • Efficient collaboration and less coordination effort for the people involved thanks to customised roles (proven role and authorisation concept)

  • Eliminate uncertainties and promote transparent collaboration through a central platform - it is always clear what status an application is in and where feedback is still pending

  • Offer applicants fast and transparent feedback through real-time communication

  • Massive time saving: simple appointment coordination directly via tool incl. automatic calendar entry

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