Efficient Multiposting

Multiposting: 200+ job boards for maximum reach

Manually posting jobs on the various job boards costs you time and nerves? Do you have to post each job ad individually on every job board? You don't have an overview of which job board is performing well and are paying money without seeing results?

That's all over now!

Manage the entire job posting conveniently and clearly from one place thanks to Refline Multiposting and compare the performance of the individual channels at the touch of a button.

Multiposting not only increases the reach of your job ads, but also helps you to target the right talent.

Save time thanks to efficient multiposting

Publish your job ad on your career site and over 200 job boards at the touch of a button

Enter the ad once in Refline and then place it on your own website (career page), via 200 job boards or social media at the click of a mouse. Easily generate maximum reach across various platforms.

  • Automate recurring time wasters - publish your ad on your website, on over 200 job boards and social media at once with just a few clicks!

  • Save valuable time in the publication process of your job ads thanks to integrated multiposting.

  • Whether a niche portal for specialists or a general job board - thanks to the large selection, you will find the right portal for every job.

Everything in one place and enormous time savings

Tiresome logging in, placing and editing job ads on multiple job platforms? That's now a thing of the past. You enter your ad once and publish it conveniently from Refline - saving you the hassle of posting it manually on job portals.

  • Everything in one place - you have your own control centre and therefore the perfect overview.

  • Your job ads are live as quickly as possible - all job boards are linked to Refline via interfaces.

  • Easily adjust your job ads after publication using the edit function or take your job ad offline at the click of a mouse to avoid unnecessary costs if you no longer wish to receive applications.

Perfect overview of job board performance

Ultimately, you don't just want to receive lots of applications, you want to receive the right ones. Thanks to Refline, you always have an overview of which platforms perform best. For smart recruiting decisions.

  • Which recruiting channels perform best for which jobs? Compare the performance of job boards at the click of a mouse.

  • Which job ads will expire soon? Which job ads are live on which job board? Thanks to Refline, you have a complete overview at all times.

  • Which job boards are used by the applicants who are ultimately hired? Gain insights into your target group and receive further answers directly in the reports.

Uncomplicated set-up

The initial setup of the job boards in Refline is extremely straightforward and time-saving, so you can get started in no time at all.

  • No complex set-up necessary - you set up the channel once and off you go!

  • Do you have existing contracts with job boards? You can integrate them easily and with little effort.

  • All-round carefree package: The interfaces are maintained on an ongoing basis. We take care of the technical adjustments.

Social recruiting

Social media has millions of users worldwide. As a result, job ads can achieve a wide reach and reach potential applicants who would otherwise not search on traditional job boards.

  • Use social recruiting: Gain more reach thanks to sharing on social media.

  • Publish or share your ad on social media.

  • Want even more reach? Use your employees' social media contacts and followers as leverage thanks to the sharing function.

Multiposting highlights

Do you want to achieve maximum reach and efficiency in recruiting? It's easy thanks to integrated multiposting. Publish your job ad on over 200 job boards and your career page with just one click. Save time, keep an overview at all times and optimise your recruiting processes with performance analyses.

  • Automated multiposting: Reduce the stress of manual posting by publishing your ad directly via Refline on your website and over 200 job boards.

  • Save money: take your job ad offline at the click of a mouse as soon as you no longer need any applications to avoid unnecessary costs.

  • Security and certainty: you always have an overview of the performance of job boards and can therefore make well-founded recruiting decisions.

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